Tips for Third-Party Risk Management in Healthcare

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Third-party risk management in healthcare involves strategies to mitigate risks associated with collaborations between external partners and vendors. 

Given that healthcare organizations often rely on third-party entities for essential services, from IT systems to medical equipment supply, there’s a need to ensure these collaborations don’t introduce data vulnerabilities or compliance breaches.

Healthcare businesses must protect stored or transferred sensitive data and adhere to strict standards. This way, they can safeguard their reputation and consumer trust. 

This article will cover actionable strategies healthcare businesses can employ to enhance their risk management practices: 

Key takeaways

Here is a brief overview of some of the most essential information regarding third-party risk management:

  • Importance of Third-Party Risk Management: With growing technological integration and vendor collaborations in healthcare, there’s a heightened need for third-party risk management to protect sensitive data, ensure compliance, and maintain consumer trust.
  • Access Considerations: As healthcare businesses grant varying degrees of system, data, and device access to third-party vendors, understanding and managing these access points is crucial to prevent potential vulnerabilities and breaches.
  • Holistic Approach to Risk Management: Vendor due diligence and defined contractual agreements are part of a comprehensive third-party risk management strategy. Healthcare organizations must remain flexible and constantly adapt their risk strategy to current threats. 

For a more in-depth exploration of these areas and actionable steps, Captain Compliance offers tailored solutions to navigate the complexities of corporate compliance in healthcare.

What is Healthcare Vendor Risk Management?

Vendor risk management, often synonymous with third-party risk management in healthcare, revolves around the methodologies and actions taken by healthcare businesses to scrutinize and manage risks that might be introduced through collaborations with external entities. 

In the intricate realm of healthcare, this often means collaborations ranging from medical equipment suppliers to software providers. 

While essential for operations, these external partnerships can introduce potential vulnerabilities, especially concerning sensitive data protection, service delivery standards, and regulatory compliance.

At the heart of this management framework is ensuring that these third-party vendors don’t compromise the security of protected health information, violate economic and clinical health regulations, or erode consumer trust in healthcare organizations. Should a business outsource compliance, having a pre-defined risk assessment is crucial. 

The Need for Third-party Risk Management in Healthcare

In the digital age, the healthcare sector is seeing an unprecedented integration of technology and external collaborations. 

With advancements in electronic health records, telemedicine, and digital diagnostic tools, businesses are more intertwined with third-party vendors than ever before. 

While these collaborations offer numerous benefits, they also present significant potential vulnerabilities.

Here is an overview of the main points of interest regarding third-party risk management:

Protection of sensitive data

Healthcare organizations handle an enormous amount of personal, medical, and financial information, making them a prime target for breaches. 

Ensuring third-party vendors have robust security measures is crucial to preventing unauthorized access or leaks of protected health information.

Having pre-defined systems and a clear compliance framework is paramount to avoid data breaches.

Compliance with regulations

Healthcare is one of the most regulated sectors, with stringent standards set by health and human services agencies. Collaborating with third-party vendors means businesses must ensure these partners also adhere to the relevant regulations. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines, legal consequences, and damage to reputation. 

Maintaining consumer trust

Consumers entrust healthcare organizations with their most personal information and expect the highest level of confidentiality and care:

  • Any breach or mismanagement due to third-party vendor actions can erode this trust rapidly. 
  • Effective third-party risk management ensures that consumer trust is maintained and the business’s reputation remains untarnished.

Reputational damage can leave a long-lasting negative public impression due to the nature and scale of healthcare-related data violations.

Economic considerations

Any lapse in third-party risk management can result in significant economic repercussions. The financial implications can be extensive, from the direct costs of addressing breaches to the potential loss of consumers due to trust issues. An effective risk management strategy can save businesses from these potential economic pitfalls. 

At Captain Compliance, we specialize in helping businesses create strategies for safe data handling practices. Contact us to discuss how to foster a legally sound third-party vendor relationship.

Healthcare Vendor Access to Be Aware of

As healthcare businesses evolve in the digital landscape, the need for third-party tools, services, and integrations has skyrocketed. This means granting vendors varying degrees of access to systems, data, and infrastructures, which can introduce new risk vectors. 

Businesses must be fully conscious of the types of access they provide to their third-party vendors. Each type of access, while essential for operations, demands a unique approach to risk management. 

Not all vendors are created equal and might or might not offer legally sound data compliance solutions due to the high amount of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) with consumer healthcare data.

Direct system access

Some third-party vendors require direct access to healthcare systems, especially those providing IT solutions, maintenance, or updates. 

This type of access could expose the system to vulnerabilities if not managed correctly, necessitating robust access controls and regular monitoring.

Proper employee training is at the core of data safety regarding third-party access. 

Data storage and backup

Many healthcare organizations outsource their data storage and backup solutions to third-party vendors. While this offers scalability and efficiency, there’s a risk of exposing sensitive data, such as protected health information, if the vendor’s security protocols are inadequate

Keep in mind the location of the servers where data is stored and what measures these businesses use in case of access restrictions due to events such as natural disasters and outages. If a patient’s medical data is needed, there must be built-in redundancies to access it remotely.

Remote monitoring and support

Many vendors offer remote monitoring and support in an age of telemedicine and cloud solutions. This means they can access systems, data, and even medical devices remotely. Proper encryption, authentication, and monitoring are essential to ensure this access doesn’t become a vulnerability.

In the case of healthcare emergencies where data needs to be accessed quickly, a 24/7 operating support team becomes necessary. 

Medical device integration

Many modern medical devices, from imaging equipment to patient monitoring systems, are integrated with software solutions provided by third-party vendors. This integration can grant vendors access to patient data or network systems. Ensuring the security of such integrations is vital to prevent potential threats.

Now that we are better aware of the ways third-party vendors can access patient data let’s explore some risk management basics:

Critical Elements of Third-party Risk Management in Healthcare

As the healthcare landscape becomes increasingly intertwined with third-party vendors, the complexities of managing associated risks rise proportionally. Effective third-party risk management in healthcare is no longer a mere good practice—it’s an essential part of business operations. 

To navigate these complexities, businesses must focus on the compliance solutions constituting a robust risk management framework. These elements are instrumental in ensuring consumer trust, compliance with regulations, and protecting sensitive data.

Vendor due diligence

Before initiating any partnership, conducting comprehensive due diligence on potential third-party vendors is paramount. 

Here is a brief overview of the significant aspects that come into play when choosing a vendor:

  • Financial Stability: Analyzing a vendor’s financial records, solvency, and overall economic health to ensure a sustainable partnership.
  • Market Reputation: Gauging the vendor’s standing and reputation in the market based on feedback, reviews, and past collaborations.
  • Track Record: Review the vendor’s past performance, deliverables, and any incidents or breaches that might have occurred.
  • Compliance with Healthcare Regulations: Ensuring the vendor’s strict adherence to relevant healthcare regulations, standards, and best practices.

Contractual agreements and clauses

Clearly defined contracts with third-party vendors can significantly mitigate risks. Contracts should specify each party’s roles, responsibilities, and liabilities. 

Including clauses about data protection, breach notification, and audit rights can provide an added layer of security and clarity. 

Here are some specific types of agreements and clauses that healthcare organizations should pay special attention to:

  • Data Protection and Privacy Clauses: These ensure that the vendor adheres to specific data protection regulations, like GDPR or HIPAA, and takes all necessary measures to protect sensitive data.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): These define the expected level of service, including response times, resolution times, and uptime guarantees.
  • Confidentiality Clauses: Ensure that the vendor keeps all proprietary information confidential and does not share it with unauthorized parties.

For a full rundown on the varying clauses and agreements to pay attention to, our compliance services are ready to help your healthcare business. 

Continuous monitoring and auditing

A robust risk management strategy is not a “set and forget” endeavor; it requires ongoing attention to maintain its relevance and effectiveness. 

The continuous monitoring and auditing of third-party vendors is a cornerstone of this iterative process, ensuring that vendors consistently adhere to their contractual obligations and remain compliant with ever-evolving industry standards.

  • Real-time Monitoring: With the integration of real-time monitoring tools, healthcare organizations can receive instant notifications regarding any discrepancies, vulnerabilities, or deviations from the expected performance. 
  • Scheduled Audits: Regular, pre-planned audits can offer a more holistic view of a vendor’s operations, providing insights into their practices, performance, and compliance. Scheduled audits, whether quarterly, bi-annually, or annually, ensure that no significant issues go unnoticed.
  • Ad Hoc Audits: Situations might necessitate unplanned or ad hoc audits besides scheduled reviews. For instance, if there’s a significant change in the vendor’s organizational structure or a potential security threat is identified.

These are just a few examples of different strategies to monitor vendor activities constantly. Contact our team at Captain Compliance If your business needs a comprehensive third-party risk management plan.

Data encryption and protection

Ensuring that third-party vendors utilize state-of-the-art data encryption and protection measures is vital. This is especially crucial when dealing with sensitive data transfers or when vendors have access to protected health information. 

Here are some widely adopted methods and tools to secure data when access is requested:

  • End-to-End Encryption (E2EE): This method ensures that data is encrypted on the sender’s end and only decrypted on the recipient’s end, ensuring that the data remains inaccessible even if intercepted during transit.
  • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): To ensure that only authorized personnel access sensitive data, MFA requires two or more verification methods – such as a mobile device and biometric verification, for example.

Incident response planning

In the unfortunate event of a data breach or security incident, having a predefined incident response plan can significantly limit damages. 

This plan should outline the steps to be taken, roles and responsibilities, and communication channels, ensuring swift action in collaboration with the third-party vendor. 

Read more about data protection compliance services.


Implementing a robust risk management framework doesn’t just ensure compliance and safeguard sensitive data; it’s a proactive commitment to maintaining the trust and confidence of consumers.

This is where we at Captain Compliance can be your guiding light. With our expertise in third-party risk management, we provide comprehensive solutions tailored for healthcare businesses. From vendor assessments to crafting bespoke risk management strategies, we are dedicated to ensuring you’re protected and prepared for the future. 

Captain Compliance is here to support your journey, making the complexities of risk management straightforward and actionable. Contact us to discuss how to get your business legally compliant. 


What are the 3 areas of risk management in healthcare?

The three primary areas of risk management in healthcare can be put into the following categories:

  1. Clinical risk which relates to patient care and medical procedures.
  2. Operational risk concerning daily operations, human resources, and logistics.
  3. Financial trouble, dealing with billing, insurance claims, and financial transactions.

Learn more about what are the Healthcare Compliance Solutions available.

What is 3rd party risk management?

Third-party risk management refers to a business’s processes and strategies to assess, monitor, and mitigate the risks associated with its external partners, vendors, and service providers. 

Third-party collaborations mustn’t introduce vulnerabilities or compliance issues to the primary business.

Read our comprehensive guide on Governance Risk and Compliance.

What are the 5 phases of third-party risk management?

  1. Vendor Selection & Onboarding – assessing and choosing the right partners.
  2. Risk Assessment – determining the potential risks associated with each vendor.
  3. Monitoring & Reporting – observation of vendor performance and risk factors.
  4. Risk Mitigation – addressing identified risks proactively.
  5. Offboarding – ensuring a smooth transition when ending a vendor relationship.

Learn more about Compliance Risk Management.

What are examples of third-party risks?

Examples of third-party risks include:

  • Data breaches due to inadequate cybersecurity measures by a vendor
  • Non-compliance with industry regulations
  • Operational disruptions caused by vendor failures
  • Reputational damage resulting from the actions of a third-party partner

Discover more about potential risks and how to tackle them in our piece on Common Third-Party Risks and Solutions.

What compliance services are available?

Compliance services typically encompass regulatory adherence, policy development, risk assessments, and audit support. Available services include:

  • Regulatory Adherence: Guidance on industry-specific regulations (e.g., HIPAA for healthcare).
  • Policy Development: Crafting and updating compliance-related policies and procedures.
  • Risk Assessments: Identifying and analyzing potential risks and recommending mitigation strategies.
  • Audit Support: Assistance during external audits, addressing and documenting all compliance aspects.

Data Protection Compliance Services: Which is Best?

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